Race to the White House
US Presidential elections, White House, President Obama, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Superstorm Sandy
  • 1:24:05
  • October 23, 2012
Barack Obama, Mitt Romney battle over foreign policy in last debate

A feisty President Barack Obama ridiculed Mitt Romney as "all over the map" Monday on foreign policy, accusing him of telling untruths and backing "wrong" policies in their fiercely fought final debate.

November 06, 2012   43:55
Will Barack Obama get a second term at the White House or will his Republican rival Mitt Romney win in what is being a predicted as one of the tightest races in US history? NDTV analyses.
November 06, 2012   3:22
It's been exactly a week since superstorm Sandy touched down in New Jersey but its reverberations may be felt tonight. With the presidential race essentially tied, even small changes to the electorate could influence the outcome. And Sandy could go down in history as a hurricane that cost one of the candidates the White House.
November 06, 2012   2:44
Who will win the race to the White House will depend on which campaign gets out more of its supporters to the polls. The Obama campaign has been pushing its supporters to vote early. We get a behind the scenes peek into the famed Obama campaign organisation.
November 02, 2012   3:52
He has four years under his belt as US President and is campaigning hard to convince voters he needs second term. America's 44th President Democrat Barack Obama is in an extremely close contest with his Republican rival Mitt Romney.
November 02, 2012   3:50
With over 20 years as a business executive, including co-founding the private equity firm, Bain Capital, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney decided in 1994 to try his own hand at politics. Now, almost two decades later, he faces his toughest challenge - to win the Presidential elections and unseat Barack Obama.
October 17, 2012   16:53
US President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney clashed fiercely in their second election debate, interrupting each other half-a-dozen times and accusing each other of dishonesty. Both White House hopefuls were on their game, as they fought over job creation and energy policy, 11 days after their first debate, which was generally regarded as a lackluster affair.
October 04, 2012   89:58
In a showdown at close quarters, President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney sparred aggressively in their first campaign debate over taxes, deficits and strong steps needed to create jobs in a sputtering national economy. "The status quo is not going to cut it," declared the challenger.
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